Sunday, March 1, 2015

Psalm 25-28

Sorry for the delay today for those of you who have been keeping pace.

Psalm 25-28 over at

25) vs 2-3 Do not let... C'mon God! Remember all that you ahve committed to do for the poor and humble, and count me among them.

26) vs 2 - prove me, try me, test me... Didn't work out too well for Job when the LORD allowed him to be tested.

27) vs 13 - I believe I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Beside the fact that Abigail has gotten me watching The Walking Dead... Wait for the LORD, not the same as waiting for Death or our lives to come to an end for things to be made better in heaven.

28) vs 3-4 The wicked. I have never been comfortable calling out others and their transgressions. I know that my actions must also be judged. But is there any authority that we have unrightly given up that allows us to correct one anther's actions?

Prayer: God of Forgiveness, may my actions be just and upright. May I never forget that I fall short too many times. Give me the courage to never cease trying to better myself and this world. Amen


  1. Ps 25: As I write this I am looking at a painting above my computer that has v4 and 5 at the bottom. I gain strength glancing up at it when there are big decisions to be made for which I don't seem to have any easy answers.

    Ps 27 vs8 "My heart says of you, Seek his face! Your face, Lord will I seek." Years ago I think my God image was a sort of giant hovering blob, but when I found this verse I began to dare to seek his face - his persona - consider what it would be like -
    Defies the imagination, but sometimes I can feel the warmth of a smile or somehow a face that feels the concern I have over someone.It makes me feel closer to God to know he does have a face or is in some form that we will someday interpret as seeing him face to face.

    Ps 28 vs9 "Save your people and bless their inheritance.Be their shepherd and carry them forever." I read so much about younger people- generations coming on
    - losing interest in God and not wanting to be a part of his church. As a part of the church, I want to help turn their hearts to God, but I don't seem to have the words, the actions, the ideas and so this is the best verse I could use as a prayer that God will guide them to himself and he will show those of us already in the church how to be better shepherds for him.

  2. Psalm 25 - I was struck by the opening two verses "I lift up my soul...In God I trust" - because it is the basis of prayer. Why pray unless we trust in God? Why go to God in pray unless you are willing to open your whole life to God?

    Psalm 26 - the image in v12 - standing on level ground - reminded me of my need to be sure of my footing, to not perch on that which is precarious - to trust the Lord.

    Psalm 27 - one of my favorites because of the way the faith in this psalm is expressed as both that which is based on my experience with God (my past) and my trust (faith) in God for and in the future.


  3. Lord,
    I commit this day into your hands. May I live this day by your direction and according to your will.
    Teach me your ways, Lord. Show me the right paths to follow. Lead me with your faithfulness and love. Examine me and test me ,Lord,. Watch over me and hold on to me lest I fall again.
    The Lord is my light and my salvation. In all things I trust in God's providence and protection.
    The one thing I want-my ultimate desird- is to abide within the love and acceptance of God wrapped in his tender care.
    Stay close to those who struggle, Lord. Never let them go.
