Monday, March 23, 2015

Psalm 113-116

Hello, Hello!

Please make sure you read to the end for special instructions regarding a change in the next 2 days readings.

Here's a link for psalm 113-116 on

My thoughts:

113) This is the God we like to think about.  Of course we also like to think about ourselves as the lowly that God lifts up. True or not.

114) Imagine: if the seas, and rivers, and mountains look and flee, turn back, and skip like rams; what then should our response to the LORD be?

115) My God is better than your god!  We're still doing this today.  But instead of statues we fight about the different words and images the other uses to describe our same God.

116) Lets all finish the first sentence of this psalm:  I love the LORD because: ... ?
     my family showed me what unconditional love is!
Also a great testimony structure: 1- what inflicted the psalmist and how the LORD helped. 2- some more general statements about the nature of the LORD. 3- ending with the psalmist response in the light of the first 2.

What are your thoughts?

**NOTE** Because psalm 119 is so long we will be reading it in one day. Therefore for tomorrow our psalms will be psalm 117, 118, 120 and 121. Then the following day we will only read psalm 119.


  1. "From the rising of the sun to its setting
    the name of the Lord is to be praised."
    I try to start each day with a prayer thanking God for another day. And end each day with another prayer of thanks.

    1. A lifegiving practice indeed! Thumbs up!
