Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Psalm 37-40

Today's psalms are 37-40.

Here's a link to these psalms over at BibleGateway.com

37) envious of wrongdoers? celebrities come to mind. Good vs evil. Sound like some beatitudes or proverbs, interesting stuff.

38) LORD I confess that I have done wrong but look at all I have suffered. I have paid for my wrong doing.

39) vs 1-3 does your mouth ever get you into trouble? ever wish that particular someone would keep a muzzle on their mouth?

40) I can't stop hearing the song in my head. I guess it's a U2 song? I became familar with the dcTalk cover

What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I'm drowning in the flood of my failings! Do not abandon me, Lord.
    What can I hope for? I put my hope in you.
    I waited for the Lord and he pulled me out of a dangerous pit and set me on solid rock.
    He taught to sing a new song of praise.
    I praise you for the wonders you have done - eyes to see your works and ears to hear your words of wisdom.
    How I loveto do your will.
    I have not kept the good news to myself.
    I will constantly proclaim your faithfulness and constant love.
