Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Psalm 41-44

Thank you for joining us today as we Read the Psalms.

Today's psalms are 41-44. If you're away form your Bible you can find them at by clicking here:
                             PSALM 41-44
(Near the top of the page on the right you can change the version you are reading if you choose)

Here are some of my thoughts I had while reading these psalms:

41) With all these psalms declaring God's love for the poor and weak I have to keep reminding myself that as a middle class white american male I don't fit into this category very often at all...

42) Another great song! My soul is cast down -  I can only look to the LORD.

43) vs 3-4 Following the light of God in a world of darkness

44) Tough to find meaning in this one for me if I read it literally. The people have suffered some great defeat because God has abandoned them. They have continued in be steadfast in their devotion to God and they plead for God to come back to them. Even Christ felt abandoned by God, why does it seem like we think it's not okay to call out to God? To tell God that we feel abandoned?



  1. Just a general comment on Psalms so far: it is difficult for me to identify with David as he connects with God while in battle, but there is a connection as I deal with my own personal battles in life. I keep thinking about Keith's sermon last Sunday as he challenged us to relinquish our own control of our lives and let God be in control of our lives. Should I do this? YES! Will I do this? Probably not completely! "Be still and know that I am God". I am listening!

  2. As the deer panteth for the water so my soul panteth after thee.- another great song...

    As I read the psalms from the Exile I thought about all those around the globe who have been displaced due to war and strife. Surely these are their thoughts and pleas. I read these psalms for them.

  3. 42:2 “My soul thirsts for God, for the living God...”
    42:11 “Why are you cast down, O my soul,
    and why are you disquieted within me?
    Hope in God...”
    44:1 “We have heard with our ears, O God,
    our ancestors have told us,
    what deeds you performed...”
    44:8 “......we will give thanks to your name forever.”
    Reminded once again that we, like the psalm writer, tend to focus on our personal trials and tribulations first......but ultimately, it is the relationship with God---not the aches and pains of the moment---that should take priority.
