Saturday, March 14, 2015

Psalm 77-80

Starting off on the second half of our journey through the book of psalms for Lent!

Here is the link to the psalms at

And here are my brief thoughts on these passages:

77) The psalmist is waiting and searching for the LORD with all of their everything

78) Wow God did a lot for the people who rejected and turned away from God.

79) God rise up and do something about this horrible injustice that has taken place!

80) You have planted us here in this place oh God, why have you now abandoned us?

What are some of your thoughts?


  1. As I continue to read the psalms I hear the same theme over again. The people are surrounded by evil wicked folks who seek to destry, mock, bring down God's people- either as a whole or aan individual. Cries of desparation but then remembrance of all tht God has done in the past and words of praise and affirmation. I must admit I am losing my ethusiasm for these continued themes.

  2. Psalm 77 reminded me of the 'rose colored glasses' we often use to view the past. The psalmist lifts up all the wonderful things that God did in the past, but remembers none of the hardships and trials that were endured (Moses and Aaron, for sure!). This psalm reminded me what a danger it can be to dwell too long and hard on the glories/happiness of the past, because in doing so we often limit our ability to see and engage the beauty and opportunity that God has placed in front of us today!
