Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Psalm 9-12

If you have not already done so, check out the "Primer" post for more thorough details. Remember that the act of reading is as important as the notes you take. We're not necessarily looking to get down into the finer details of academic pursuit, just listening for a word from the Lord as we read scripture.

Psalm 9-12 on BibleGateway.com

9) vs. 13-14 - you are saving me so I can praise you

10) vs 1-13 - all the evil in the world happens because God does not see? all the evil doers have free range?
     vs. 14-18 - NO, God sees all and acts in righteousness and justice. (Doesn't feel like that all the time though...)

11) vs. 1-3 the LORD looks after me and protects me from evil.

12) All evil surrounds us. There is no goodness left. Yet still the LORD looks after us and keeps us safe in all that we do!

Prayer: God of peace, while the world presses in around me, and all seems lost and hopeless, break through the heavens into my world. Safe me from the evil and violence that surrounds me. Amen


  1. My first reaction was "What? more 'mean' psalms?" As I said yesterday, there is such a vindictive spirit in these. AH! But then it came to me. I am not one who is oppressed or victimized. What would I want from God if I was? Would I cry out - as three of these say for "Got to arise" - in other words, would I not plead for God to help me?

    After all what have I don't to help the poor? Well I did write a check to Week of Compassion. But what else....? Keith

  2. 9:8 "He judges the world with righteousness; he judges the peoples with equity." Be patient, justice will win out because God wills it.

  3. These psalms fit perfectly my perception of our lives today - watching the news, I see political "misstatements" and pandering; I hear of terrorism and slaughter of Christians, and I personally witness daily dramas of addiction and neglect right here in small-town America. So I grasp the the verses of hope and promise: 9:10 - ....for you,, Lord, have never forgotten those who seek you. 10:16 - The Lord is King forever and ever. 11:4 - The Lord is in His holy temple; the Lord is on His heavenly throne. 12:7 - O Lord, you will keep us safe...
    Yes, I know it's selective reading, but it keeps me hanging on when I feel totally irrelevant and powerless!

  4. Why, O Lord, do you stand far off?
    Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?
    In arrogance the wicked persecute the poor—
    let them be caught in the schemes they have devised.

    This is what caught my attention today. The world is afflicted with wicked persons. The lowly and oppressed are suffering...children are the target of terrorists.The psalmist is assured that God hears the cries of those who suffer.But when will there be action against such despicable acts? It's easy for me to sing praise to God from my life of comfort and safety.

  5. In these days of such evil attacks on the innocent, I wonder where is God. And then I think, where are we? Were am I? And I remember "in God's time, not mine"! But I am not a patient person! " O, Lord, will you keep us safe and protect us..".?

  6. Ps 9. Interesting. I look around at how bad things are in the world, shake my head, and I don't think I end up praising God enough even though He is certainly my refuge. These Psalm folks START by praising God, then look at evil and ask God to do fierce things to the perpetrators- and then go back to affirming God in control.
    Ps10 I want a God who listens and sees as compared to an idol of stone. Guess if I'm his follower, I need to listen and see the folks around me too.
    Ps11 "When the foundations are shaken,what shall the righteous do?" Looking to God is a wise first choice before I go off struggling to fix things on my ownl A fine line.
    Ps 12 A strong reminder that the tongues that praised God in previous psalms, can and do boast and lie and hurt. He gave us choice so be careful- there are consequences when you have a God who sees and hears.
    Prayer: Lord, help me to apply these lessons to my life today.n Amen
