Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Psalm 65-68

Here is today's psalms online: Psalm 65-68 at

Today a handful of the psalms talked about the goodness of God in the world. So as God's people I ask how we are sharing that goodness today.

65) You visit the earth and water it you greatly enrich it. - Sounds like the physical needs of the earth. lots of farming imagery.
     As people of God how do we enrich the earth?

66) vs 5 - Come and see what God has done
      vs 8 - Let the sounds of his praise be heard
      vs 16 - Come and hear... and I will tell what God has done for me.
Sounds like a great way to invite people to church, show them these same things. First we have to be able to identify and articulate them.

67) What a great prayer, all the way through

68) vs 5-6 and 10 - in your goodness, o God, you provide for the needy.
How do we provide for the needy? at all? from the goodness of our hearts?

What did you hear as you read?

1 comment:

  1. On this BEAUTIFUL Day I "gathered" these words from the psalms:

    Take a good look at God’s wonders—
    they’ll take your breath away.
    He set the mountains in place,
    showing his mighty power.
    He calms the roar of the seas
    and the noise of the waves;
    He calms the uproar of the peoples.
    He cares for the land by sending rain;
    abundant rain on the plowed fields
    making them rich and fertile.
    He fills the streams with water;
    He softens the soil with showers
    and causes the young plants to grow.
    The pastures are filled with flocks;
    the hillsides are full of joy.
    The fields are covered with sheep;
    the valleys are full of wheat.
    What a rich harvest God’s goodness provides!
    Wherever he goes there is plenty.
    All together now—applause for God!
    Say of God, “We’ve never seen anything like him!”
