Monday, March 30, 2015

Psalm 138-141

The psalms: 138-141 at

Some of my thoughts look like they were a little longer to me... I hope everyone enjoys their Holy Week. We are almost through the book of psalms.

138) Before the gods I sing your praise.  What gods do we still sing the praise of the Almighty God before? or do we make excuses and justifications? "My endless pursit of money at all cost is not my worship of the money god/idol; it is me seizing the opportunities and blessing that God as put before me!

139) Normally we get the first 18 verses and thing how wonderful it is to proclaim the omnipotent, omnipresent nature of God who knows our comings and our goings and knows all of our thoughts before we do. How wonderful to be hemmed in by such a God.
     But then we finish the psalm and and the psalmist is asking God to destroy an enemy. Declaring that their motives for asking are pure and true, God can double check!

140) Yesterday was Palm Sunday...  With all these psalms (and other scriptures) it's no wonder that the people expected the Messiah to be a conquering King delivering the people from their oppressors and re-establishing an actual kingdom.

141) vs 3-4 Be careful that your words or feelings don't get you into trouble or cause you to sin or do evil.  This is a lesson or reminder that we could all use from time to time!

What were your thoughts reading these passages?

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