Sunday, February 22, 2015

Psalm 1-4

If you have not already done so, please check out the "Primer" post for more details regarding how I hope Reading the Psalms will go. The process is pretty straight forward: Read the listed psalms in a prayerful manner and take note of the word, or phrase that grabs your attention. Whatever has been spoken to you, jot it down, take a note, journal it.

This will be a place where I share the things that I have noted while doing the same exercise. Nothing fancy or special! The idea is that YOUR daily Bible reading is more important than my reflections. It is my hope that you will participate and add your notes down in the comments section.

Psalms 1-4: Link to BibleGateway in case you've misplaced your Bible. (Note I'm using the NRSV)

psalm 1) vs. 3 - "trees planted by streams of water, yielding fruit in season, leaves not withering, prospering in all they do." Mighty trees take time to grow, slow and steady; just like people who are strong in faith.

2) vs. 10 - leaders be wise! Serve the Lord with fear.

3) vs. 3 - be a shield around me; Divine Protection!
    vs. 7 - Calling on the Lord to act - to deliver this protection

4) vs. 4 when you are angry... do not sin

Prayer: God my protector, grant me patience and tolerance so that in all my dealings I may be seen as one of your people. May my actions echo the grace you have given me. Amen


  1. I often find songs to match the Psalms.
    Like a tree planted by the water I shall not be moved.
    And from CArrie Newcomer, "When I close my eyes to sleep at night, it's good to say AMEN"

    1. I thought of Audrey Assad's song "I Shall Not Want" where she sings "From the love of my own comfort ... Deliver me oh, God" I have to ask, do I really want that?

  2. In Psalm 1 I was struck by the image of trees planted by the water, because it suggests a strength from being ever close to a source. How the psalmist found that is seen in what he says in the proceeding verses. Keith

    Psalm 2 is too nationalistic, too theocratic - Israel is God's people, protect US, smash any and all who are not us. Echo the rhetoric of ISIS.

    All four of the first psalms have great "take away" endings - i.e. great lines worth remembering.

  3. I struggle to be moved by these opening psalms. There are not nations that conspire against me. I am not under attack...there are not ten thousands who have set themselves against me. Another time and another place that have no reference for me.

    The battles I face are not on the outside, but inside.

    1. I absolutely agree. I think it is beyond important that we acknowledge our distance from the original authors and audience. This distance includes historical distance as well as cultural and societal distance as well; there will be situations and circumstances that we simply cannot comprehend. But so long as we acknowledge this distance, it can be very productive to read these psalms through our own lens.

      If our enemies are within us, let us read the psalm as calling out to God to protect us from the inside out.

    2. Admittedly, as a person who has lived a pretty blessed, privileged life, even this can be difficult for me.

    3. I was thinking the same thing about not feeling under attack very often, but then Vs 1 ends with not sitting with the scoffers. Boy are there a lot of scoffers, me included sometimes. It reminds me of the statement by Ted Roosevelt about being the one in the trenches, in the dirt, working to accomplish things, not just criticizing. I need to stop being a scoffer and do what God is calling me to do. Be like a tree planted by the stream, waiting for my season, and bearing fruit. Dave M.

  4. Psalm 1: (from The Message) "You’re a tree replanted in Eden,
    bearing fresh fruit every month, Never dropping a leaf,
    always in blossom." Love that image! We're a second growth forest, with all of the good and bad that goes along with being such.

    Psalm 2: What do you really want? Peace - or freedom?

    Psalm 3: "..powerless to harm me." Reminded me of that Eleanor Roosevelt quote: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." It doesn't matter what everyone else thinks. It matters what God thinks. I should spend much more time worrying about the latter and not the former!

    Psalm 4: I take comfort and derive peace from the knowledge that God will eventually set things right in the world. That justice will be restored. This alone,sometimes, is what allows me to sleep at night with all that goes on in the world.

    Reading these opening psalms just serves to remind me how transformative Jesus' life and ministry was to God's plan. I give thanks for his loving example, his powerful mercy, and his life-altering grace.

  5. Didn't mean to post that! Trying to get my account set up :)

  6. Re-assured by: 4:8 "...I will lie down and sleep in peace..." and 3:5 "...I wake again because the Lord sustains me...."
    Reflective by God's admonition to men 4:3 "...How long will you love delusions and seek false Gods?" and 4:4 "In your your hearts and be silent."

  7. Reading from the Message

    Psalm 1:2...thrill to God's word, "chew" on scripture day & night. I love food, love to cook it, eat it, savor every bite! I pray God creates that desire for His word in me,

    Psalm 4:7 Gratitude! I have God's more-than-enough. More joy in one ordinary day. I'll sleep soundly tonight!

    P.S. - This is my first blog EVER! :)

  8. 1st time blogger -Lost what I had done on IPAd last nite so will try again. Ps 1 became husb Roger's life verse sev yrs ago when we studied it in a small grp at FCC.His faith life seemed to grow to fit it. It was vivid for us both because we love walking in the woods and canoeing Sugar Creek. we could just feel inside how we wanted to be those strong faith trees by the banks standing in GOd's creation and being fruitful. As our physical bodies grow weaker and more problematic, we still want to stay strong and upright spiritually, doing our part for the Lord to the last. Picturing this Psalm in our minds is a prayer for us when there are no words. Ps2 I liked thinking about that word "refuge" - don't hear it much in eveyday language - Maybe we're too self-sufficient. One place in the Bible I remeber describes the Lord as a "strong tower" - I picture a castle with a neat moat. David hid in a cave -not sure i like that one - One I love the best is picture we have in our home of Jesus as the Good Shepherd holding a sort of scroungy little lamb close to his breast with his nail-scared hands. When prayer words fail me, I can look at that picture to be reminded that that lamb is me and it helps me find peace. PS 3 when I know I am the little lamb mentioned above, I can - usually- lie down and sleep in peace - though today's news of the Christians taken hostage by ISIS challenges and saddens me. I pray my faith would sustain me even there, but I tremble.

  9. Ronster & I participating. Enjoying comments. Keeping journal.

  10. Finally, Ch. 8 speaks to me. A favorite of mine. On my funeral list! How majestic is everything God has made. What is man? How are we doing today?

  11. Psalm 4, v. 4: "When you are disturbed, do not sin." Put yourself in timeout! Do not try to drown your sorrows in alcohol, make things worse with drugs, give in to road rage, or take out your frustrations on those around you. Trust in the Lord. Next time I'm ticked off, rather than counting to 10 (or 20) I'll just chant this verse repeatedly to myself :)
