Saturday, February 28, 2015

Psalm 21-24

If you're new, please check out the Primer post at the very beginning and thank you for joining us!

Psalm 21-24 @

21) What victories do I seek? What are the enemies that the Lord finds out and makes a fiery furnace? (NRSV)

22) Some of Jesus' last words in Matthew and Mark. Despite the depths of despair here, there are still incredibly strong words of steadfast faith! Even before the LORD's answer

23) The one everyone knows! Why does it seem like we ONLY pull this psalm out during times of darkness? The shepherd always watches the flock, not just when danger threatens.

24) Who shall stand in his holy place? What about Jesus' words: "All who are thirsty come to me and let the one who believes in me drink" -John 7:37-38

Those are my thoughts, what are yours?


Thursday, February 26, 2015

Psalm 17-20

Thanks for a great start to “Reading the Psalms.” I have really appreciated everyone’s comments so far. I also appreciate everyone else who has been reading along with us. Feel free to comment when you want, of course there is no pressure to do so.

Psalm 17-20 over at

17) vs 8 That (being the apple of God’s eye and treated as such) would be awesome!

18) May my life be as such so that I never have to sing this psalm! May my focus be on Christ, who commanded Peter to put away his sword and who was led humbly to the cross.

19) The wordless heavens proclaim the handiwork of the LORD. As perfect, sure, right, clear, pure, true, desired and sweet as the law of the LORD is… who can detect our errors.

20) What victories do we turn to the lord for help? And how loud do we (or don’t we) shout for joy and in the name of God raise our banners?

Those are my thoughts reading these four psalms, what are yours?

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Psalm 13-16

Thank you for participating and sharing your thoughts today!

Check out the very first Primer post if this is your first time visiting to get a good idea of the practice.

Link to Psalm 13-16 at

13) vs 1-2 How long? How long? How long? How long? It can feel like "God's time" can take forever!

14) vs 3 - Everyone has gone astray. They are all evil doers. There is no one who does good, not one! Without a healthy community to surround yourself it is easy to believe that you are the only one doing good.

15) vs 2-5 list of traits of the righteous or How to get into the tent of the LORD. Where would my day's actions stand against this list?

16) vs 5-8 I have chosen the LORD, and I am rewarded because of my good and wise choice.

Prayer: God of creation, ever creating, help me to rely less on myself and more on you. Open my eyes to your guidance and the blessings that you have bestowed on me. Amen

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Psalm 9-12

If you have not already done so, check out the "Primer" post for more thorough details. Remember that the act of reading is as important as the notes you take. We're not necessarily looking to get down into the finer details of academic pursuit, just listening for a word from the Lord as we read scripture.

Psalm 9-12 on

9) vs. 13-14 - you are saving me so I can praise you

10) vs 1-13 - all the evil in the world happens because God does not see? all the evil doers have free range?
     vs. 14-18 - NO, God sees all and acts in righteousness and justice. (Doesn't feel like that all the time though...)

11) vs. 1-3 the LORD looks after me and protects me from evil.

12) All evil surrounds us. There is no goodness left. Yet still the LORD looks after us and keeps us safe in all that we do!

Prayer: God of peace, while the world presses in around me, and all seems lost and hopeless, break through the heavens into my world. Safe me from the evil and violence that surrounds me. Amen

How To Post Comments


I made this short video on how to post comments. Hopefully it will be helpful.

Also another helpful hint: it may be beneficial to write up your comments in a word document and copy and paste them into the comment section. This way if there is a problem with the sign in or publishing process or anything like that your comments will not be lost or deleted into cyberspace.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Psalms 5-8

Check out the "Primer" post for more thorough details on Reading the Psalms. In a nutshell, read the listed psalms and journal the word, phrase, or verse that jumps out at you. After you have done this, share these notes down in the comment section. Then read through the things that I jotted down in my reading, and the comments of others. Most importantly enjoy the process.

If you're reading this you can read Psalm 5-8 online if you don't have your print Bible handy.

5) vs. 7 - through your love will I enter your house

6) vs. 5 - in my death there is no one to remember you, so keep me alive and well so I may glorify you!

7) vs. 3, 8, 11 - righteous God who judges rightly based on our actions.

8) vs. 1, 9 - Chorus -  O LORD, our LORD, how majestic is your name in all the earth (I like this song!).
    vs. 4 - We are so lowly, yet created and lifted up above the rest of creation.

Prayer: God of all creation, your love lifts up above all else, even into your house. Knowing that you judge rightly based on our actions, may our lives glorify you always. Amen.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Psalm 1-4

If you have not already done so, please check out the "Primer" post for more details regarding how I hope Reading the Psalms will go. The process is pretty straight forward: Read the listed psalms in a prayerful manner and take note of the word, or phrase that grabs your attention. Whatever has been spoken to you, jot it down, take a note, journal it.

This will be a place where I share the things that I have noted while doing the same exercise. Nothing fancy or special! The idea is that YOUR daily Bible reading is more important than my reflections. It is my hope that you will participate and add your notes down in the comments section.

Psalms 1-4: Link to BibleGateway in case you've misplaced your Bible. (Note I'm using the NRSV)

psalm 1) vs. 3 - "trees planted by streams of water, yielding fruit in season, leaves not withering, prospering in all they do." Mighty trees take time to grow, slow and steady; just like people who are strong in faith.

2) vs. 10 - leaders be wise! Serve the Lord with fear.

3) vs. 3 - be a shield around me; Divine Protection!
    vs. 7 - Calling on the Lord to act - to deliver this protection

4) vs. 4 when you are angry... do not sin

Prayer: God my protector, grant me patience and tolerance so that in all my dealings I may be seen as one of your people. May my actions echo the grace you have given me. Amen

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

A brief note on changes

As a bit of a change from the initial Primer post we're going to cut down on the number of per day psalms we read. We're going to bump that number down to 4. We'll go live or get started on Monday, February 23.

This date allows for the church newsletter to announce the start in addition to the fact that this begins the first full week of Lent.

By decreasing the number of psalms per day, this discipline should take us through Holy Week, making this a Lenten exercise. I like the idea of this!

I'm looking forward to this regardless of whether anyone joins in with me or not! But I hope I'm not alone.
